Publishing opportunities

Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations

Selected papers from te OFEL2021 Conference will be eligable for publishing in Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations (SCOPUS indexed).

INTEREULAWEAST – Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations is a scientific journal that publishes papers in the field of law and economics with an international focus, in particular papers issuing: (1) legal and economic aspects of European Union and other market integrations, (2) market freedoms and restrictions, (3) competition law and intellectual property, (4) company law and corporate governance, (5) international trade, (6) international private and public law.

Purpose of the journal is to: promote scientific research activities in these fields, create high-quality base for further study of the above mentioned areas especially for students and young scientists, encourage cross-border business activities and cooperation, introduce the wider public with the rules and opportunities of doing business in the EU and to achieve long-term scientific contribution in the field of European and international law and economics. 

FREE ACCESS to published papers is available online at HRČAK – Portal of scientific journals of Croatia

Scopus; HeinOnline; EBSCOhost Business Source Complete; EBSCOhost Business Source Corporate; ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection; ProQuest ABI/INFORM Collection

ISSN 1849-3734 (Print)
ISSN 1849-4439 (Online)
