OFEL 2020
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship
Virtual presentation instructions
Dear authors,
OFEL 2020 Conference will be held virtually.
In our virtual sections, authors will have the opportunity to present their work through PowerPoint presentations. Optionally, authors can complement their PowerPoint presentations with audio and/or video files.
All presentations, audio and video files should be sent to Lana Cindric, member of the organizing committee (lcindric@efzg.hr), no later than April 13 2020.
When preparing your OFEL 2020 presentation, please use the OFEL 2020 Conference Template available here.
Virtual sections will be accessible from April 17 2020, 9:00 am. Please, find detailed section program available here.
We highly appreciate your cooperation, and we thank you in advance. Should you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact us at ofel@ciru.hr or lcindric@efzg.hr.